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Fighting Shirley Chisholm
book cover and layout design

In honor of what would have been Shirley Chisholm's 100th birthday, LibraryPress@UF reissued Fighting Shirley Chisholm by Dr. James Haskins.
The book is a biography of Shirley Chisholm, the first Black congresswoman and Black woman to run for the presidential nomination.
I assisted in redesigning the cover and layout for this special publication.
editorial designer
illustrator / photoshop / indesign / pressbooks
Tracy Mackay-Ratliff

Design Inspiration
Collage in design has been a powerful medium to unite art and politics. Inspired by art movements such as Dadaism and Constructivism, I wanted to implement collage to convey the impact that Shirley Chisholm had on American politics.

Original Cover Design

Draft Cover

Draft Cover
Colors and Patterns
Chisholm wore bright colors and loud patterns, actively defying societal expectations of women at the time. Purple was one of her favorite colors, representing the merging of both political parties. I drew several sketches inspired by patterns she wore at notable events.

Final Cover
The final cover integrates more of Shirley's favorite colors, including pink and yellow. This cover also further highlights Chisholm's groundbreaking campaign and how she paved the way for future Black leaders in politics.

Interior Layout
Selected spread from Fighting Shirley Chisholm. Read more about the book and purchase it here.
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